What is life coaching?
To change your life, start by changing yourself
Life coaching is a life changing, holistic and creative process. The coach guides you through powerful inner changes by tapping into your purpose and passion to bring outer changes (new found energy, heart driven actions, concrete and long lasting results).
Coaching helps you to create and experience the life that is aligned with who you truly are. It is all about reconnecting you to your whole, beautiful and complete self.
The expert on your life; it’s you. You know your life better than anyone else. You have the answers to any situation you may face. The life coach is the expert on the coaching process who will guide you to uncover the answers that lie within yourself.

Hi, I'm Anna
Life coach, Inspirational writer/speaker
I empower women to listen to their true voice and express the fire that burns within to help them be fearlessly authentic and live a passionate life.
I work with bright and creative minds who are ready to bravely start their life over by going through a deep transformative inner-work. It is up to us to change our lives and to create the life we want. I believe that when we each will pursue our life purpose and passion, the world will be a better and harmonious place. We all have our special gift to bring to the world.
Tetania S.
Discovering herself
I've felt lost my whole life. I felt that my family misunderstood me. That made me unhappy. But thanks to your questions and your support, I finally could find all the answers that lie within me and discover my beautiful inner self. You helped me understand, accept and love myself.
Your help was really precious to me because it is the first step to create my true and happy life.
Thank you so much!!!
Els Pontin Coaching
You are always able to offer personal recommendations that create massive breakthroughs and 'ah ha' moments for me! I absolutely love working with you, it's my sense check once a month, on who I am as a person and where I am in my business. It's completely invaluable to who I am and where I am in my life right now. I value our time together hugely. You are a caring, compassionate, deeply intuitive coach who is able to really connect with you and get to the crux of the issue. A hugely valuable experience. Thank you Anna. x